Pala Environmental Department PED PBMI Notice
Author: David Bernie
Pala Environmental Department PED PBMI Notice
Community Notice: Pala Prescribed Burns
Pala, CA – The Pala Band of Mission Indians, Pala Fire Department, and BIA Pacific Region Office announce Pala Prescribed Burns.
Pala Environmental Department PED PBMI Notice
Notice: Office Closure for New Year’s Holiday
NOTICE: Office Closure for New Year’s Holiday
Pala Environmental Department PED PBMI Notice
Notice: Office Closure for Christmas Holiday
NOTICE: Office Closure for Christmas Holiday
Pala Environmental Department PED PBMI Notice
Notice: Office Closure for Thanksgiving Holiday
NOTICE: Office Closure for Thanksgiving Holiday
Pala Environmental Department PED PBMI Notice
Notice: Office Closure for Veterans Day
NOTICE: Office Closure for Veterans Day
Pala Environmental Department PED PBMI Announcement
Announcement: Pala Band Hosted Tribal EPA Region 9 Conference
PALA, CA – The Pala Band of Mission Indians and the Pala Environmental Department announce Pala Band Hosted Tribal EPA Region 9 Conference.
Pala Environmental Department PED PBMI Notice
Notice: Pala Band of Mission Indians’ Wildland Fire Management Plan (WFMP) Comment Period
PALA, CA – The Pala Band of Mission Indians and the Pala Environmental Department request review and comments on the Pala Wildland Fire Management Plan (WFMP) and Environmental Assessment (EA) and draft Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI).
Pala Environmental Department PED PBMI Notice