Pala Environmental Department PED PBMI Notice
Pala Environmental Department PED PBMI Notice
Notice: Transfer Station Closure – President’s Day
ANNOUNCEMENT – Pala Transfer Station Closure for President’s Day
Pala Environmental Department PED PBMI Notice
Notice: Weather Alert
NOTICE – Weather Alert for 2/13 to 2/14 and 2/16 to 2/17.
Pala Environmental Department PED PBMI Notice
Notice: Pala Transfer Station Closure – Christmas Holiday
NOTICE – Pala Transfer Station Closure for Christmas Holiday
Pala Environmental Department PED PBMI Notice
Notice: Pala Transfer Station Closure – Veterans Day
NOTICE – Veterans Day Transfer Station Closure
Pala Environmental Department PED PBMI Notice
Notice: Tired of Tires? Let Us Help!
Did you know that you can dispose of old tires at the Pala Transfer Station? We have waste tire clean-ups a few times a year, but you can drop your tires off with us any time! Here’s what you need to know about waste tire disposal.
Pala Environmental Department PED PBMI Notice
Notice: Facing the Drought Emergency
California is facing one of the worst drought seasons in recorded history, and with climate change and all of our thirsty lawns, it is only going to get worse. On January 17th, 2014, Governor Jerry Brown declared a drought state of emergency for the entire state, and requested that everyone voluntarily reduce their water consumption by 20 percent. Last year was the driest year ever recorded for the San Diego area, and 2014 is looking to follow this record, in spite of our recent rain storm.